“Why are you brown and your parents are white?” This child’s response shocked everyone. 

When you are raised up in a family where your mom and dad is the one that birthed you and your siblings, you are used to people telling you that you look more like your mother than your father and vice versa. You are very used to the similarities that you have between each other it creates this perception that family is someone you must have similarities to and also blood relations. But this family will prove you very wrong.

Jessica Satterfield had been trying to get pregnant with her husband but soon they found out that the chances that would happen were very low due to complications they had that made it hard for them to conceive. Like most couples in this situation, they tried to conceive through treatment and in an artificial way. But according to Jessica the treatment seemed to be very harsh and with low chances of getting pregnant so the couple that was desperately looking forward to being parents looked forward to adoption. 

Looking forward to adoption is scary at first for anyone that takes the first steps towards it but in most cases, the family is satisfied with the adoption and even ends up appreciating the baby more. Jessica was scared at first like anyone but after some time of searching for a child they could adopt their doors were open to adopting baby girl called Selah Grace. The couple was over the moon with their successful adoption so they tried to adopt another child. 

Now the Satterfield family is more unusual than what society calls normal. As you can see the parents are white and the children have a darker complexity and come from African American families. Jessica has posted at her blog that this phenomenon has become so normal in her eyes that she does not think a thing about it but it is strangers that give the most stares and questionable looks trying to figure out why the family is like that. Jessica says that she sees this s a positive thing because she claims that people only stare to try and figure out the beautiful mystery behind the beautiful family.

But what surprised her the most is the response that one of her children gave to one of their friends when their friend asked why the children of the family were brown and the parents were white. Her child simply gave the most clever response of all were they said that family is not about looking alike to be considered family and they are absolutely right. The only thing that matters is the unconditional love that they have between each other and how much they support each other in any situation. Jessica has lately adopted a third child that was first fostered. And know she has three children of her own and she says that all is well and all of them love each other very much and are living the normal family life.

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