While schools are closed due to pandemic, scholastic is offering free online courses for children to keep learning

For the sake of the virus aka called the invisible enemy nowadays, some states are temporarily closing schools to prevent the spread. We can all remember how all of this started. 

I could remember I was walking with my friend when he told me that a contagious disease was spreading in China. I did not think of it as anything major as the numbers of infected were still in the hundreds. 

Two months after that we could all see that this contagious virus was not only affecting eastern Asia but it had reached almost every country in the world. Many states have taken precautions in many forms, but the first precaution most of them took was to shut down schools. 

Yes, our children were over the moon when they woke up to find out schools were closed temporarily. It is every child’s dream to just take a long and unexpected break from school. Although as parents we want our children to not skip their yearly lessons and to still be educated based on what grade they are in. 

That is way Scholastic is giving out free online courses for all kinds of students, from pre-school and above. The courses are designed to educate your child in the most fun and entertaining way. They are divided into daily three hour lessons so your child can keep up with their studies. 

For the moment, scholastic has created courses for every age for about 5 days and will be soon releasing 15 days’ worth of more educational content. Entering this program is free, and there is no need for registration. 

States are recommending all of us to self-quarantine in our homes until further notice. So most of our children will start getting bored with the fact that they have nothing to do and nothing to be educated on. Scholastic is a great opportunity for your child to further their studies. 

We might be living weirdly right now. Businesses have started to close, shopping malls, big gatherings have become frowned upon, and some states are even setting up high-security laws as extreme as staying inside for the majority of the day. 

Hard times have come for sure. Seeing little to no people on the streets. Being not able to meet your friends and relatives for safety precautions and staying inside for days is a real struggle. 

The only thing that we should keep in mind is that there will be an end to this invisible war. The only thing that we as a whole need to do is have patience so one day we can all come together again. 

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