Twins and their father decide to donate wood for families struggling with the cold.

Now that the winter is almost here, the cold weather starts getting a real problem. Back at my parent’s house, my father used to have a wood oven which they would use to heat the house. Now he has bought an electric heater and doesn’t use the wood technique anymore. Although we have to admit that heating up with wood has been an ancient method ever since the beginning of the human race. We have always used wood to heat up in the case of cold and it is still good nowadays.

Ever since the invention of fire, human beings have always used wood to heat up. And the tradition gets passed to these days. Many families around the world still use wood as the main resource of heating and even cooking. I mean I enjoy so much a hot meal cooked in the fireplace. There is something about cooking with wood that gives the food a delicious taste. Wood is also great for heat providing in the winter, but too bad that the price of wood has gone up lately and not everyone can afford it.

Shane McDaniel knew this when together with his twin boys he decided to donate the wood to any families in need. After all, giving back is always a good thing. Ever since he was little, Shane spent his time harvesting wood with his father so now he is passing the tradition to his boys. They are from Lake Stevens in Washington and apparently, Shane is teaching these boys a very valuable lesson of life, which is one of giving back when you can or have a lot because it is the best thing that you can do for someone else and yourself.

Together with Henry and Harrison, Shane had picked up a lot of wood. Since the storms had damaged trees all around, they were able to harvest 80 trucks worth of firewood. When they saw how much they had, they just decided that they needed to give back to people who would be in a desperate need of firewood. So they announced on Facebook, which later went viral when people started noticing the good heart of the men of this family. People Magazine interviewed the family and the father Shane said that they needed to do something with all of that wood anyway.

People were buying it initially but to make it go out faster, it is better donating. Plus no one likes to be greedy, at least not about some wood. Despite the hard work they did for harvesting it, now they were giving it back freely and this action started bringing people together. People were even volunteering for bringing wood to other families in need, who could not afford to buy their wood. This was a touching gesture and by the end of the day, these men better are proud of their selves. 

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