This 14-week-old baby Woke up From Coma, Recognized his Father and Smiled to Him!

Early in the morning of March 16th, Emma and Stuart Labuschagne, were horrified when they noticed that their baby boy Michael stopped breathing. They immediately called an ambulance. When they arrived at their home, they concluded that he had suffered from cardiac arrest and started shocking him with a defibrillator. They gave him an adrenalin shot to stabilize his heartbeat. After the adrenalin shot, they put him in the ambulance. They rushed him to the hospital, where doctors decided to put him into a medically induced coma so he wouldn’t have more brain damage. After a couple of days, Michael started waking up from the coma, and when he was just opening his eyes, his father was right next to him. When he finally opened his eyes and saw his dad next to him, he started to smile when he recognized him. Emma has said that Michael is a little fighter, and when she saw his small smile when he saw his dad, it was the best thing she ever saw in her life.

Doctors told Emma and Stuart that their son has a rare tumor, called a cardiac fibroma, which is a condition that can block the blood flow to the heart. They have also said that the size of the tumor is bigger than his heart. It is 5 centimeters wide and compered to his little heart, that is, the size of his hand is way bigger.

A problem arose when doctors said that his condition is so rare that in the United Kingdom, where they are. Isn’t a surgeon that is qualified to do the surgery and pull out the tumor. Doctors have said that the Labuschagne’s could ether put Michael on the heart transplant list and wait who knows how long. Or they could start searching for hospitals that have a doctor that is capable of doing the surgery outside the United Kingdom. Because they didn’t want to wait, Emma and Stuart started searching and found out that the program at the Boston Children’s Hospital, in the United States. They have already done this kind of surgeries and have a 100% success rate in the past decade. Michael’s mom has said when they saw the success rate and how good the reputation of dr. Del Nido and dr. Geva was they knew that they have found the right place.

The cost of the surgery is about 150 thousand dollars, and that isn’t included the travel cost to get to the United States and the recovery costs. Emma and Stuart had said that when they got the confirmation that Michael can have the surgery there. They said that they will pay any amount and are willing to do anything that would save Michael’s life.

With the confirmation that Michael can have the surgery at the Boston Children’s Hospital, the bill for the operation was sent, and Emma that same day started a GoFundMe page. It didn’t take long for people to start donating, and Emma has said that the heartwarming wishes, and donations left them speechless. They have received donations from all over the world and thank every single one that has donated. Before Michael was taken home from the hospital, an internal defibrillator and a peacemaker have been placed to support his heart and keep it functioning normally. He has to take medication four times a day that can sometimes cause him to have diarrhea, stomachaches, and his skin can become sensitive. He can’t be taken out in the sun. Until they go to the United States, which they plan to go in April, they have been enjoying their life at home with Michael and their two other kids. Michael’s parents have said that it is a blessing to have him at home and see him laugh and smile while he is watching his sibling play.

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