Mother and son get in a strange situation while traveling 

When you get to a city that you haven’t been before, getting lost is pretty usual. You don’t know where to go, you start to stress, and things get even more hectic if there are loads of people. Imagine how hard it can be to get around if you are a person with physical disabilities.

If you don’t know where you are going, there is a high possibility that you will find yourself in some strange situations.

A mother and son were caught in a strange situation, trying to get around a busy city, wanting to go back home.

Because they loved watching hockey, and they were massive fans of the Rangers, Monica Ward Scharrer and her son Chris decided to play a game in New York. This occurred way before the global pandemic began, and the coronavirus was affecting the USA. Things were much simpler back then. Now sports fans and desperately waiting for things to go back to normal to watch their favorite teams again.

The whole New York experience leading to the game, and the game itself, were something that made Monica and Chris quite happy and thrilled. It was after the game that things started to go south.

Monica knew that it would be somewhat difficult, but not impossible to make their way around New York with her disabled son. It was time to go back home, and they needed to catch a train. When they finally got to where they needed to be, they saw that the elevator to get them to the train was broken and would be out of service for quite some time. Monica didn’t know what to do in this situation. She couldn’t get Chris in his wheelchair to the train.

It seemed that Monica and Chris were stuck.

Not long after they faced this problem, a police officer came by and offered to help them.

Officer Mears wasn’t about to point them to the nearest working elevator; he made sure that they found a working elevator. He walked with them until all three of them found a working elevator at the station.

Monica has said that Officer Mears was a wonderful person and made sure they made it safely to their train.

Officer Mears even escorted them on the train, knowing that it can be stressful to go onboard using the disability ramp. Plus, many people were trying to catch the same train.

Monica had also said that Officer Mears went out of his way to find out before everyone else which track they were on and escorted them there, plus he set the ramp so Chris could get in before everyone else.


Monica was even able to have a little chat with Officer Mears, and he told her that he has a lot of experience with disabled people.

Monica said that while talking to him, he mentioned that he worked with disabled people for about six years before he became a police officer.

It was something special what this police officer did for Monica and Chris, and both of them are very thankful. When Monica returned home, she had to post the story on her social media page called ‘Love What Matters.’

In the post, Monica wrote that Officer Mears was incredible and that even if he didn’t do anything special, it meant a lot to her and her son. When the story was posted, many people praised Officer Mears. One person wrote that she also had a disabled brother and that he would have been so proud to hear that there are still good people in the world who would go out of their way to help out. Another person wrote that the story made them so happy and gave them hope that there are still wonderful people in the world today. We need more people like Officer Mears because a simple act of kindness like that can go a long way for somebody.

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