Meet the Gardners, one of the most adorable and most special families. If you ask why, just wait until you hear their incredible story.
Ashley and Tyson knew they were meant to spend their life together the moment they met. They also knew they wanted to be parents. But that seemed to be a bit harder than they both expected.
They were trying to conceive for more than eight years and spent most of their savings on expensive treatments that would help them become a mom and a dad.

Source” © ET
Back in 2014, they decided to undergo an IVF therapy that would hopefully help them make their dream come true.
Both of them were very eager to learn whether the treatment worked or not, but were at the same time scared of hearing bad news.

Source” © ET
When they went to the hospital, Tyson decided to film the moment when the doctors tell them whether the IVF treatment was successful or not because he really wanted to film his wife’s reaction in case they were told they would become parents. Tyson was somehow sure that it will work for the best this time, and he was right.
The so much-anticipated news finally came and the couple was over the moon.

All this family was hoping for was to have a child, but they never assumed that God would give them way more than that.
The ultrasound showed not one, two, or three, but four babies.

What’s more, they were expecting two sets of identical twins.
“When we first found out we were having quadruplets, it was pure terror and pure joy at the same time,” Ashley said on her website.
“The doctors said we only had a 40% chance of having one baby, so to have all four to come at once was a huge blessing and a huge miracle.”
Doctors said that Ashley’s pregnancy was sort of a miracle because it only occurs once in 70 million cases.
This was all overwhelming for the parents-to-be but they were more than happy to take on the role of mom and dad and start the adventure of parenthood along with their bundles of joy.

Carrying four babies wasn’t at all easy, but the thought of having them in her arms made Ashley pull through. Luckily, the delivery went smoothly and there were no complications.
“But I didn’t know anyone who’d had quadruplets. I didn’t know if it was physically possible for a woman, I knew nothing about it. I had vertigo and morning sickness for the first 16 weeks. I couldn’t eat anything and I lost 20 pounds in my first trimester. My body hurt, my bones hurt and my hips would dislocate every time I rolled over.”
Babies Evangeline, Indie, Esme and Scarlet said hi to the world and were perfectly healthy.

Learning of Ashley’s miraculous pregnancy, many media and TV shows picked up their story and invited them to be their guests.

People sent the Gardners their best wishes along with a bunch of clothes and other supplies for the babies as they were aware the family would have troubles covering all the expenses.
“My heart was truly touched by the amount of nappies and baby outfits that turned up by our door when they were born,” Ashley said. “There really are amazing, kind, good people out there and I’m so grateful to those who follow our story and love these babies.”

This family is definitely one of the most adorable we’ve ever met. The little girls are cute beyond words and are lucky to have such caring and loving parents like Ashley and Tyson.
If you want to learn more, check out the video below.