Bikers volunteer to participate on a unclaimed vet’s funeral.

Do you know what I fear the most? Dying alone. I don’t want to go out of this world in pain, with no one there to show me any bit of love before I finally take my last breath. I just heard recently about the father of my brother in law who died alone. No one was there. They said that he spent his whole life gambling, fighting with their mother, and he even sold their house, leaving them in the middle of the street. So they had no love for him. The man literally died alone, in the cold and no one showed up at his funeral.

That is a hell of a death. No, for real. A ‘hell’ of a death. I just wonder how did the poor guy felt when the artery in his heart popped and his chest pain started to eat him away? No matter how bad a human being can be, no one should ever, die alone. The human soul gets choked there. And if there is an afterlife, then that soul will be trapped in everlasting agony. And that is not the place that we want to go after we die.

This nearly happened to a vet, who was unclaimed after he died. No family, no friends, no one was there to say that they may have cared for this man. Even though a veteran has served his country well, in the end, he or she might not be appreciated. Why does that happen? No one truly knows. Maybe they weren’t so pleasant during their life after the war, or maybe all the family they had, died before them. But how about the cases where a vet dies and no one is there to collect him, despite the fact that his family is alive?

Florida National Cemetery holds a service for every unclaimed veteran every quarter. But on the other hand, there are those who can volunteer to participate in the funeral. And that is exactly what this team of bikers did. They decided to volunteer at the funeral of an unclaimed vet. Robert Crause died recently and he served as a Marine during the 1950s. Nick Morales, who is a vet himself, along with a team of bikers decided to hold the casket of the deceased and at least be part of his funeral in the name of honor.

What is dignity after all? Nick Morales goes by the motto, vets helping vets and he says that despite the life that one lives, after death, everyone deserves to be paid some respect, especially vets. Robert received his last honours by a group of volunteer bikers who decided to do the righteous thing in this case. And this calms down the human spirit a little bit, knowing that someone was there for you when everybody had turned their back on you. I just pray to the Universe that I don’t go out like that. I pray for Robert and for myself to die with love in my heart.

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