An Australian does an unusual body modification

Some people are alright with blending in with the crowd and looking normal, formal, and casual. While others want to live differently and stand out with their hair color, clothes, and things that you don’t see often. When it comes to your appearance, everyone can dress and look however they want. The more creative and unusual will definitely turn some heads when you are out and about.

Throughout the years, there have been some extreme trends that can be boarder line dangerous, and some people think that if you go through pain and danger to change your look, you are going too far. The bottom line is that everyone can do whatever they want with their bodies, and if that makes them happy, who are we to judge. From piercings in unusual places to tattooing your inner lip, as long as the individual is glad, the society can’t tell them anything.

Charles Bentley, from Australia, is one of those individuals with his new body modification. If you pass him by, you will surely turn around to get another look. Many people online have had their opinions on what he has done, but Charles seems like he doesn’t even pay attention to them.


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Fresh #conchremoval on @charlesvbentley who traveled around the world from Australia to have this procedure performed by me at @calmbodymodification. Truly humbled! ❤️☀️To get some facts straight note that this procedure doesn’t make you deaf. It might impair your ability to hear the direction of sound for the first week or two until your mind has adjusted to your new ears. Hearing from behind will in fact improve. Our ears doesn’t “catch” sound as it did eons of years ago when our ears were bigger hence why we have to create a bigger “ear” by cupping our hand around our ear to hear better. Remember to #BeCuteOrStayMute when commenting because I will block you if you’re being rude. 🖖🏻 . Check our my second account called @bravo33alpha for more of what I do outside of work. #calmbodymod #chaiatcalm #sutureporn #bodyaltering #bodymodification

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In 2019, Charles decided to pack his bags, fly all the way to Sweden, to have some work done on his ears. When we say work, we don’t mean some small operation, and we surely don’t mean that he flew to Sweden to pierce them. Charles, for quite a long time, wanted to remove the Antihelix of his ear, putting this so everyone can understand, the Antihelix is the part of the ear that looks like a conch.

Charles flew to Stockholm, where he met with Chai Maibert, who is a doctor at CALM Body Modification. Chai was the one that helped Charles get the new look that he has been planning to do for a long time. After the operation was successful, Chai said that the holes that now Charles has wouldn’t have an effect on his hearing. He added that for a couple of weeks, his mind would have to get adjusted. You can hear the direction of the sound as before, other than that, there will not be any other problems.

After Chai posted the work, he did on Charles’s ears on his social media, a lot of people have commented that this might be too far. People have lost their minds on because of what they are doing to their bodies to look different. Some have even said that Chai’s statements that he won’t have any hearing problems are not true at all. Some people joked that Charles looks silly and funny with the holes in his ears. Others complimented Charles and said that it looked very cool and that it takes a strong character to do something like this.

At the end of the day, Charles loves his new body modification and thinks that Chai did a fantastic job. According to some sites online, Charles modification may even be the new trend of 2020.

What do you think? Is it cool, or pure madness? Please share the article and tell us what you think.

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