Mother of Marine killed in Kabul explosion says voters who chose Biden ‘Just Killed My Son’

Kathy McCollum is the mother of Rylee McCollum, who was one of 13 US service members killed in a bomb attack last week in the Afghan capital, Kabul. Kathy went on a radio talk show to say that her son would not have been killed if Donald Trump was still president, and rather said that the blood should be on the hands of President Joe Biden and those who voted for him.

McCollum said her 20-year-old son was one of the U.S. Marines killed last week in Kabul. She said two Marines arrived at her door at. 4 to bring her the bad news.

“My son was one of the Marines who died yesterday,” she told conservative talk show host Jason Rantz. “Twenty years and six months old who was getting ready to go home from the fearsome Jordan to be home with his wife to watch his son’s birth, and that crazy, demented piece of shit just sent my son to die.

“I woke up at 4 o’clock this morning. Two Marines at my door told me my son was dead” she sobbed and followed with more crying.

The mother called Biden “demented” a few more times and said the president “still thinks he’s a senator.”

“I just want all Democrats who cheated on the election, or who voted for him legally, you just killed my son. With a dementia-stricken piece of shit who does not even know he’s in the White House who still thinks he’s a senator. So I’m trying to calm down, sorry. “

Here is the audio clip from Twitter.

Mother of US Marine Rylee McCollum, who died in the Kabul bombing: “All Democrats … who voted [Biden], you just killed my son … would never have happened under Trump. ”

– Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) August 28, 2021

Kathy McCollum told the radio host and his listeners that her son had been married on February 14 this year and that they were expecting a child on September 26. Kathy said she plans to hold back tears and treat her pain “through anger.”

“This was an unnecessary debacle that could have been handled properly. They had months and months to remove everyone from Afghanistan and they chose not to do so,” she claimed. “And then they sent in, what 6000 troops? And through the statistics law, my son was one of those who was just detonated in a terrorist bomb yesterday.

“So instead of mourning and crying, I just get mad.”

Afghan security forces are investigating the location of a Taliban car bomb detonating at the entrance to a police station in Kabul on August 7, 2019.
Photo credit must read STR / AFP via Getty Images

The radio host told her that if there is an organization that they could link her to, or information, they would recommend many family support groups they work with.

“I can not imagine what you are going through right now,” said the host. “Everything you feel now is justified. I do not think you have to apologize. You have every right to feel how you feel and say your opinion.”

She said her boyfriend is an Army veteran who served in the 801st, which is a combat support hospital, and that he was part of the first group of soldiers in Iraq during 2003. She believes his presence in the war on terror is , who helped her son make his decision to join the USMC.

“My son was an ingenious child. He could have done anything he wanted to do in the military, and he chose to be a sniper, and that was his choice.

“Instead of just being fast-tracked, he chose this course, but I never thought he would die for nothing in a million years,” she added.

She then said her son would not have died if Trump had still been head of the U.S. military.

“[Biden] must be removed from the office. That would never have happened under Trump, “said Kathy McCollum.

The mother added that U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert, a Republican from Colorado, would be at her home this weekend to discuss the matter further.