How to strengthen your immune system

The world right now is facing the outbreak of coronavirus, and every country has warned its people to stay safe and stay at home. For the past few months, advice and measures have been circulating the internet, trying to help and teach people how to protect themselves. Like for every other topic on the internet, not everything you read or see is true, and advice like taking lots of vitamins can be the opposite of helpful for you at this period. The following advice we are about to give you will not be 100% effective and make you immune to the virus, but they will help you boost your immune system. The immune system has to be strong, so it can help you with fighting viruses and infections.

 What can you do to strengthen your immune system naturally?

 1. Eat a variety of healthy foods

Eating the same fruits every day so you can boost your vitamins isn’t the smartest thing to do. The best thing you can do is to consume numerous types of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. For some time, try to cook your food at home and avoid eating out. You can withstand going a couple of weeks without any processed foods or unhealthy fast foods and drinks. The best way you can boost your vitamin intake is to eat those fresh veggies and fruits. If you are planning to take some kind of supplements, make sure to consult a doctor before diving in.

 2. Get enough sleep and manage your stress

We are stepping in a period where stress can go through the roof. A lot of people right now are questioning are they going to have a job in the near future. And even some people have already lost their job because businesses have been closed. Managing your stress at this point can be curtail, we know that a lot of you have families and are trying to provide for them and keep them safe as much as you can. But managing your emotions is important. Avoid watching a lot of TV because the majority of the news you will see on there will be bad, and when you are browsing the internet or scrolling through social media, try to look for positive stories or messages. A lot of countries right now require their people to self-isolate, and if you find yourself home, try to relax, read a book, play board games with your loved ones and watch movies with them. At the end of the day, get your required rest, get a lot of sleep, because then your body and mind rest. Those negative emotions and stress can cause negative effects on your immune system, which now you need the most.

3. Spend time under the sun

Vitamin D can be a big helper, and we all know that big yellow ball in the sky, called the sun provides a lot of it. You can, of course, take supplements to intake your vitamin D, but before you do, ask your doctor for how much and how frequent you can take them. The easier, more natural way to take your vitamin D is to stay under the sun. If the sun isn’t shining enough in the city or country you are in, supplements and variants of food can help. But if you can get an hour in the sun per day, you are in luck. Avoid public and crowded places, because we all know how easy you can catch the virus, so go out on your balcony or back yard and spend an hour or two. Food that contains small amounts of vitamin D is the like of eggs, beef, mushrooms, salmon, tuna, and cheese.

4. Exercising helps a lot

We all know that gyms are closed at the moment, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t work out at home. Exercise can be pretty beneficial for your immune system and also can relieve stress. When you get up in the morning, drink a glass of water, start stretching, and begin doing your basic push-ups, lunges, pull-ups, burpees, planks, and other exercises that you can do. Just browse on the internet, and you will fill loads of exercises that you can do at home.

 5. If you are going to drink, do it moderately

Many businesses have sent people to work from home, and we all know rules that apply in the office don’t have to apply at home. If you are tempted to have a glass or two at home, do it, but avoid drinking more. Drinking can increase stress and will also make you more vulnerable to illnesses. Have that glass of wine or whiskey with your partner or family member, but leave some for the next day as well.

What to avoid

Because lots of people are panicking right now, they will believe anything they read or seen online. Some companies will try to sell you remedies or some natural medicine, but make sure you don’t take anything that hasn’t been approved by your doctor. Like we said previously, consult your doctor for supplements and avoid going out in crowded areas where you live. Because a lot of stores have the option to deliver your groceries and products to your home, shop more online. Make sure to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and clean your house daily. You have to take this thing seriously, but try not to stress too much, like everything else this will pass if we stick to measure and advice.

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