Girl was preforming in front of the queen of England when her service father surprises her

You might be asking how this girl named Megan ended up performing for the queen and met her dad she had not seen for a long time. And it all happened at once. Well, you might think that she has had a one in a million opportunity and you are right. In fact, she was in a band named the poppy girls where all girls recorded songs and performed in different places in order to raise money for charity. The group of singers had quite a success in Britain. Being on the top 20 in Britain’s singles chart the girls were considerably famous all over the country. 

The group actually raises money for a charity based on royalty legions. Well, some people think that the royals are a waste of taxes and they only represent a figure. But others know that having a monarchy is very important to benefit the state. These girls were one of them participating in different activities for the good of their stat’s monarchy. Their fame and also their support for the royals came to Queen Elizabeth’s ear. The queen was then interested in watching these girls perform. The girls were very excited because having a chance to meet the queen and also perform in front of her was a chance of a lifetime.

When the time finally came to perform the girls were a little nervous from all of that royal attention but were able to perform and amaze the whole audience including the queen and her daughter Princess Anne. All of the audience were applauding the girls. It was an amazing moment for them but what was more amazing was the fact that Megan got a big surprise right in front of everybody.

Megan’s father was in the military serving for his country and that meant that Megan had to spend long periods of time without seeing her father. I remember when my dad was in the military also. There would be times I would not meet him in 8 months in a row. I used to miss him but have never been surprised by him showing up unexpectedly. While Megan finished performing her last song with the other members of the poppy girls she realized that her dad which she was not expecting at all, waiting for her in the corner of the stage. 

Without thinking at all she opened her arms and ran towards him while shedding tears of joy. The moment of that little girl becoming emotional because of seeing her father warmed the heart of the royalties and also the audience. It was just so emotional it could make anybody shed a tear. Having a father in the army or in duty is so stressful for any part of the family due to the fact that he might not ever come back. I always had that fear too because I heard that other servicemen that my dad was working with would pass away from various reasons like helicopter crashes, fighting in the war etc. Finding out that your father is coming back good and well just relieves you from everything.

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