Florida Beaches Will Open Again This Evening As The US Keeps Fighting The War Against Coronavirus

America just hit 700,000 total cases of people infected from the novel COVID-19. Only today the number of people infected has increased by more than 22,000. All over the US, today only, more than 2,300 people passed away due to the virus. This country is being hit hard by Coronavirus and it’s going to spread worse if the proper measurements are not taken seriously. People don’t like to do as the government says to them and they will certainly not going to accept being forced to stay indoors. 

So for all the outdoor enthusiasts here is some great news. The state of Florida has decided to open the beaches again tonight. People will be allowed to walk on the streets, go jogging, exercise, surf or swim, and even fish, but sunbathing, groups larger than 50 people and overnight camping will be prohibited. Despite the three-step plan that President Trump has to win the war against this deadly virus (according to which he should have declined for 14 more days), states are free to allow their citizens on the streets when they see it reasonable.

This decision has also the backup of public opinion despite some people being too afraid to go out. The government warned people to go swimming at their own risk since the lifeguards are not working. I think that with the increasing count of the infected people, such a decision is not going to flatten the curve, but will make things way worse. Not longer than a month earlier people were seen careless on beaches not respecting social distancing and staying in crowds and I don’t think that they will do any better this time. 

If you are smart you need to stay at home as much as possible. And I hate the quarantine life as well, but we have to do what we have to do. I am not saying this as a journalist supporting the government. If there is someone who completely objects this modern slavery they put us under that someone is me. But this the best option that we have. They may have a vaccine but they don’t make it public, I don’t know. What I am saying is that this news might be just another tactic for more people to go out and get infected, (giving you the illusion of freedom), for their own personal interests. Be careful.

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