
Dog calls his owner that was at work

You certainly have heard one of your friends, or you yourself have said how smart your dog is. Most people, when you say that, the things that come to mind first are that you have trained him to sit, stay, roll over, fetch, and other tricks that most dogs can …

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This Albino Owl with Red Eyes Is Truly Amazing

Owls, as a rule, have dim quills to stay inconspicuous amid their environmental factors around evening time. Yet, this pale-skinned owl is canvassed in white plumes rather and has entrancing red eyes. This wonderful pale-skinned owl was brought into the world with little or even no melanin, which is the …

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Girl beaten by bullies because of her disability

Society is not on the right path when you see such news on the media. Children bullying other children just because they do not fit in “society’s norm” up to the point of being physically abused. Not everyone enjoys being the most popular person in school, dressing with the latest …

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Find the duck in less than 20 seconds

In our busy everyday lives, our brain is filled with all kinds of things. And especially if you are an adult. You have to think about your job, think about the kids if you have them, friendships, marriage, providing for the family, and of course, everyone’s biggest enemy bills. All …

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 Famous actor Max Von Sydow dies at the age of 90

We all know the famous actor Max Von Sydow, he has appeared in many of our favourite films and TV series like Flash Gordon Game of Thrones and his most famous one, The Exorcist. Lately, his family sadly announced that the famous actor had died on Sunday.  Max Von Sydow …

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Become the Best Version of Yourself with Kindness!

Become the Best Version of Yourself with Kindness! Before you put yourself out there and try to find someone that you can be in a relationship with, you first need to work on yourself. Be confident in yourself, and try not to pressure yourself into things that you don’t want …

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An old man passes away two weeks after his dog

Ken and his dog Zack were living in a trailer park Hemet, California, and Ken would take Zack on a walk every day around the trailer park. Ken didn’t have anyone close, but you could see that Zack was everything that he cared for. Often time when people get old, …

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The symptoms that your kids have strep throat

If you search on any social media, you will find groups that are created by mothers. Where every new parent can ask questions on any part of parenthood. From the moment you have brought your baby home, to tips on how to raise them, you can find it all in …

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Dog saves an infant left in a storm drain

Before Georgie became a rescue dog and later managed to save a baby’s life, she was a puppy that was roaming the streets of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. One lucky day Georgie, who is a dachshund, was spotted walking alone on the roads by employees of a dog shelter. The …

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