4-year-old promises he will wait for his mom in heaven

Death is a part of life that we don’t even want to think about, let alone be told that it is going to come sooner than later. Some people that know that their final day is coming are terrified and overwhelmed by the thought, but some people accept it and enjoy their last days with their loved ones. What if we told you that one of those people that aren’t afraid of it is a 4-year-old boy, who we can’t imagine what is going through his mind. Nolan was one of those people that lived out his final days with his mother and other members of their family. He even told his mother that he will wait for her in heaven.

That 4-year-old was battling cancer from the age of 3 when the family got the terrible news that Nolan had a rare form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma, which hits you soft tissue. Even at the age of 4, he knew that he was going to lose the battle, but he wasn’t hopeless and didn’t fear the disease. Every day he spoke about how he wanted to be a police officer, following in his dad’s footsteps, who is a firefighter, of helping out the community. All of Nolan’s journey from the diagnosis to the very last day was captured and posted on a Facebook page that his family made for him.

His dream of becoming a police officer came true when the Police Commissioner of the city came to the hospital, where Nolan was staying, and he was named an honorary police officer. During all of this, he was getting sicker, and the family around Nolan went through very hard times. His mother Ruth, was by his side every day and having to witness her child in pain, and knowing he was getting worse, she needed all the strength she could get. Nolan was always smiling and being one brave officer, he was courageous and wasn’t afraid to go face to face with death.

His mother, Ruth, shared a little conversation that she had with him a couple of days before Nolan sadly passed away. They were alone in his hospital room, and she asked him if he was in pain. He said that he was, but he was going to continue fighting just for her. He added that from the begging, he was only fighting because he didn’t want his mother to worry. Ruth told him that she couldn’t protect him anymore and that the only place she could continue to protect him was in heaven. Nolan than smiled and told his mother that he was going to go to heaven and play there until his mother joins him.

Nolan and his mother Ruth were inseparable. They would always be close to each other and hold hands. Ruth, a day after she had that conversation with Nolan, was permitted to take a shower at the hospital. While she was showering, Nolan started to slowly slip away. When Ruth got back to Nolan’s room, he was surrounded by doctors and nurses, they told Ruth that he fell into a coma and that both of his lungs had collapsed. With tears coming out of her eyes and the feeling that you are going to lose your son, Ruth laid next to Nolan and started to sing the song ‘You are my sunshine.’ Nolan, with his last breath and last ounce of strength, opened his eye and whispered to his mother that he loved her very much.

Moments later, Nolan passed away. Ruth continued to share photos and videos of her son on his Facebook page. She shared one showing Nolan dressed in his police uniform saluting, and she wrote a little caption saying, “My beautiful little policeman.”

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