Wealthy man humiliates a young shoe shiner

Wealthy man humiliates a young shoe shiner

Passing through the busy underground passage, Sylvester, a wealthy man, demanded that the shoe shiner, a young man of 14 years named Martin, polish his shoes urgently.

As always, Martin did an incredible job because shining shoes was something he had been doing for a very long time, but the wealthy man wasn’t happy with the boy’s work.

Looking at him from above, Sylvester said, “My dog could do better with his tongue!”

Not only that, but he refused to pay.

Martin was left heartbroken. Though he was rather young, he was the breadwinner of the family. With no father, a bedridden mother, and two young sisters, Martin had to provide for them. Sometimes, he would skip breakfast—and even lunch—just to put food on the table and buy medicine for his mom.

While waiting for customers at the underground passage bustling with commuters, this shoe shiner would take his modest shoe-shining kit and call out softly, “Shoe shining Mister? Madam?”

Sadly, most of the passersby ignored him.

That day, when Sylvester asked for his scuffed shoes to be polished, Martin hadn’t eaten anything, so he though he could finally get something to eat, but then the rich man refused to pay him.

Martin felt fragile. He looked at the sky and said, “I’m trying dad, I really am,” as tears rolled down his face.

But he then remembered his late father’s words, “Remember, son. Never give up. Each bump is a step closer to your dreams. Remember.

The following day, Martin and Sylvester crossed paths again, a moment that neither of them could have anticipated.

Sitting where he always had, the young shoe shiner heard a woman scream, “Help, somebody help!”

Martin followed the voice and rushed towards the crowd gathered around a car. “That man inside the car, he’s chocking on an apple,” someone yelled. “The doors are locked,” another person screamed frantically.

Without hesitation, Martin grabbed a rock from the roadside and smashed the car window. Glass shattered everywhere as he reached in to unlock the door. “Stand back!”

When he approached closer and started pulling the man out of the car, he realized it was the man from the previous day, the one who refused to pay him.

Martin delivered several sharp blows to Sylvester’s back, and suddenly, a chunk of apple flew from Sylvester’s mouth. He finally grasped for air.

Sylvester looked at Martin and said, “You saved me! After how I treated you yesterday, YOU saved me.”

Grateful but guilt-ridden, Sylvester offered the young shoe shiner money, but he wouldn’t accept it. He only asked for the $7 Sylvester owed him for shining his shoes.

The rich man was embarrassed of himself.

Struck by the young boy’s humility, Sylvester promised to himself he would do his best to make amends.

The following morning, Martin found a bag of money at his doorstep. Along, there was a note from Sylvester in which he acknowledged the young shoe shiner and his pure heart and resilience.

Martin didn’t want to accept the money, but he ultimately decided to accept it.

He could finally provide proper medical care for his mother and buy ice-cream for his sisters.

Martin learned that he should never change, but remain humble and kind, because offering kindness can transform lives.

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