Here is the story of the girl covered in polka dots – Matilda Callaghan

Rebecca Callaghan had a complicated pregnancy which is why doctors decided to induce labor early. Unfortunately, the doctors noticed that the baby had a blue mark on her face that reached her body. Matilda was diagnosed with Sturge Weber’s syndrome, a very rare neurological skin disease. Unfortunately, this syndrome can …

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A Teacher Did an Experiment to Show the Power of Handwashing, and You Can’t Stay Unimpressed

Sometimes a prime example is better than words — especially when it comes to explaining something to children. That’s exactly what Jaralee Metcalf, a teacher from Idaho, decided to do to show her pupils the importance of washing their hands properly. And now the whole world is following her example! Here at Bright Side we were so impressed by how simple and clear this project was, that …

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Queen Elizabeth’s left pretty upset by her doctor’s update

To say that it’s been a turbulent year for Queen Elizabeth is a gross understatement. The long-reigning monarch (longest-reigning, we should say) has experienced all that a queen could expect to experience during her time on the throne of England, and then some. Yet the past few months might just make 2021 …

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Cop lies on street to comfort his fallen horse in her final moments

The love and bond between a horse and its rider is one that’s both deep and ancient. Their relationship captured that perfectly. A loyal friend till the end. A traffic accident involving a police officer on horseback has gripped the nation after a heartbreaking photo of the aftermath went viral. …

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Chick-fil-A employee jumps through window to assist customer in distress

Different people have different reactions when it comes to stressful situations. While some panic, others manage to stay calm and grounded. Well, keeping cool in cases of emergency can be of crucial importance, especially when someone’s life is in question. One teen named Logan Simmons, who works at the Flowery Branch …

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Man rescues stray puppy found living in an old shoe

Goran Marinkovic, an animal lover from Serbia, is one of those people who change the life of stray dogs for the better and do all in their power to find each and every one of them a loving forever home. Well, the truth is that Goran is currently taking care …

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