Teen surprises biological mother at Pittsburgh Half Marathon

When teenage mothers give birth to their children at a very young age, they are not always ready neither mentally, nor financially to take care of the little ones. Their bundles of joy are often given up for adoption and end up with new families. This was the case with …

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Science says women need more sleep because their brains work harder

Making a mental list and organizing a schedule while preparing breakfast, answering the phone and setting the table….multitasking is an incredible talent of women that unfortunately always leads to stress and exhaustion. Viralhatch would like to share the results of a study that explains how much sleep women need to …

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Tiny Beauty, Southern Double-collared Sunbird Is A Star Of The Forest

Where the Americas have hummingbirds, the Old World has sunbirds; brightly coloured jewels that flash in the light. The males often wear showy colours which makes identification straightforward while females tend towards the dull and difficult (my non-birding, proof-reading wife has just suggested that I change that last sentence, but …

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18 Of The Most Beautiful Bonsai Trees Ever

Bonsai trees are awesome. Just ask Mr Miyagi. They look beautiful, they fit in your house, they encourage patience and dedication, they relieve stress, and they help to purify the air. What’s not to like? An 800 year-old Bonsai tree at Shunkaen, by Kunio Kobayashi: A remarkable tree which is …

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Lion kisses the hand of his dog companion, gets 58M views

This lion purposefully kisses the paw of her dog friend, showcasing a tremendous connection that defies the law of nature. Lions and dogs are totally different in so many ways, such as lifestyle, diet, and instincts. Many would totally agree that they can never live alongside each other. However, the …

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