Being a great parent requires a lot of dedication, patience and hard work. So how do you teach a young mind to behave, to follow rules, and be well-mannered? Some parents believe that the best way to achieve all this is through talking. You just talk things through and expect from your child to understand what you are asking from them. Other, however, believe that punishments work best when it comes to teaching their children a lesson. I guess one needs to balance in order to raise their kids right.
One mother shared online that her son got grounded for using his phone after bed time, something he was clearly told he shouldn’t do. But kids will be kids. Most times, they want things to be done their way and object to follow rules.
Well, this mom also shared that in order for her son to get “ungrounded,” he needed to earn 500 points. In case you wonder how those points are earned, she also shared a list of chores which bring certain amount of points. The list goes like this:
You got grounded!!!
To get rid of your penalty, you must earn 500 points.
Offense: Playing on the mobile phone after bedtime.
- Write a nice letter to a family member = 10 points
- Prepare and cook dinner = 50 points
- 1 load of laundry (get started, hang up, fold) = 100 points
- Clean and organize a kitchen cupboard = 50 points per shelf
- Empty the dishwasher = 25 points
- Load the dishwasher = 25 points
- Clean and wash off counters = 25 points
- Clean out microwave = 40 points
- Clean and vacuum the living room = 30 points
- Sweep and mop kitchen = 30 points
- Wash windows = 10 points per window
- Water house plants = 10 points
- Dust living room = 25 points
- Clean bathroom (sink, toilet and floor) = 50 points
- Take out trash (and re-bag) = 10 points per garbage bag
- Clean the litter box = 10 points

Source: Facebook/ Magic Mum
The thing is that not many people felt the same with the mother regarding her punishment. Some judged her parenting, but others praised her creativity of teaching her kid a lesson.
What are your thoughts on this?