Man puts wife through purity test

Man requests his father check his fiancée’s hymen before marriage to ensure her ‘purity’

Taking to Reddit, a woman, 25, shared a story that left many speechless.

She started by explaining that she and her fiance have been engaged for eight months and that their relationship resembled a fairy-tale from the moment they started dating.

He has always been very nice to her, showing his love and affection and showering her with attention.

She continued by saying that both he and her are virgins and that he wanted to save it for marriage. OP wasn’t fussed over the request and agreed.

Man puts wife through purity test

They planned for a relatively small wedding, and things seemed perfect. But then, out of the blue, her fiance came forward with the most absurd request; that her father checks her hymen the night before the wedding to make sure she was still “pure.”

In the past, he mentioned something about this tradition his family held onto, but she laughed it off as it seriously sounded like a massive joke. Well, it turned out it wasn’t and her husband-to-be was dead serious.

She said there was no chance that she sat in a room with her lags wide open while his father checked on her virginity and his brothers and uncle watched, but he insisted, saying it was extremely important to him and that she had nothing to hide. Further, he said his mom did that when she was marrying his dad.

Man puts wife through purity test

His words felt like a sharp knife. OP was shocked and started crying. She considered calling off the wedding at that precise moment, but gave herself some time to realize what had just happened.

She spent the following day at her friend’s place. Her fiance was the most charming and most loving person she has ever met and she didn’t want to lose him, but at the same time, she didn’t want to proceed with his family’s “tradition.”

After a day, the two met and she told him she won’t be letting his father checking her “purity.” The fiance got extremely mad and started accusing her of lying, saying that she was denying the “test” because she probably wasn’t even a virgin.

Man puts wife through purity test

He lost his temper, and she was left in complete shock because she had never seen him act like that before. It was though she was speaking to someone she didn’t know.

It was a difficult decision to make, but she eventually called the wedding off.

At the time being, she’s staying with her friend, still in disbelief of everything that had taken place during the last couple of days.

She asked from fellow Redditors to tell her if she’s done the right thing.

Most of the netizens wrote she was NTA.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think this woman made the true call when she separated from her fiance?

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