
Teen makes the dress for his prom date

Prom could be one of the most nerve-racking and the most beautiful thing about high school at the same time. What to wear, who to go with, are just some of the questions teens ask themselves. Addi Rust from Indiana found her perfect prom dress months before the prom, but …

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This delivery man risks his job to save a woman’s life

Joey Grundl worked as a pizza delivery man at a Dominoes restaurant. To be honest the delivery job gets kind of robotic after a while and you do not think too much when getting a pizza and delivering it, just the fact that you should focus on where you are …

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This horse is driving the internet crazy with its beauty 

Horses are one of the most beautiful animals however can one truly overwhelm you with its magnificence? All things considered, on the off chance that Frederik the Incomparable can't, at that point you're in a tight spot since he is, informally, “the world's most attractive horse.” His eye-catching bolts alone …

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Two-year-old gets sick from drinking too much milk

When we are babies and young toddlers, we are required to drink milk. Every kid grows up drinking milk, but a lot of parents don’t know that too much milk can be pretty harmful to their kids. Anastacia Gencarelli didn’t know that drinking too much milk can harm her child. …

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UPS driver saves a dog stuck on a frozen pond

We have all seen movies, cartoons, and even videos online where our dogs chase after the mail or postman. Once they hear the truck pull up, they storm through the door and start barking and running towards them. Sometimes they even run after the truck until it’s far away from …

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This adorable white reindeer takes the internet by storm

Reindeers are such gentle creatures. I have come in contact with them when I was in Virginia, USA where there happen to be a lot. I used to go to the forest and there I could come across these beautiful elegant creatures. They would mostly come out during the spring …

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7 times parents sucked at parenting

Parents are the ones who are supposed to be responsible for their children at all times because at the end of the day children are children and they can do things that can be dangerous for them and sometimes even risk their lives. These parents caught red-handed by being irresponsible …

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Freshwater for 25,000 people in Kiunga, Kenya

Throughout the years, we have heard all the stories about sailors that have not made it back home because they didn't have any freshwater to drink. Even though they are always surrounded by water, we know that saltwater isn't drinkable. The matter is that people today, to be precise 2.2 …

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