
An old man passes away two weeks after his dog

Ken and his dog Zack were living in a trailer park Hemet, California, and Ken would take Zack on a walk every day around the trailer park. Ken didn’t have anyone close, but you could see that Zack was everything that he cared for. Often time when people get old, …

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The symptoms that your kids have strep throat

If you search on any social media, you will find groups that are created by mothers. Where every new parent can ask questions on any part of parenthood. From the moment you have brought your baby home, to tips on how to raise them, you can find it all in …

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Dog saves an infant left in a storm drain

Before Georgie became a rescue dog and later managed to save a baby’s life, she was a puppy that was roaming the streets of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. One lucky day Georgie, who is a dachshund, was spotted walking alone on the roads by employees of a dog shelter. The …

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Cat with two faces looks so unreal people are mind-blown

Cat with two faces looks so unreal people are mind-blown Every animal has its own unique appearance, but there are some animals that have such a unique appearance the only thing we can do is to stare and be amazed. This fact stays true for one particular cat. Her face …

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Bathroom cleaning tips

Everyone has the duty of cleaning up around the house. Whether it was when you were a kid and your mom or dad gave you chores, or as an adult. Every once in a while, you have to clean up your home. It is a process that no one enjoys …

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Teen helps out a blind elderly woman cross the street

We all should, in one way or another, try to make the world a better place, and we can achieve that by small acts of kindness.  This story shows that even one small act of kindness doesn’t get unnoticed. Dontarius Caldwell and his younger sister Diamond were sitting on a …

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These animals look so serious it is jaw-dropping

We all happen to see a video or a photo of a cute fluffy animal. Not to say we take 300 photos of our sleeping puppy without even recognizing it. Animals are just so funny, fluffy and cute we can’t resist but put them in the centre of attention. But …

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A mother’s child is her greatest achievement

We can all get carried away with our job or our life goals that we forget what our biggest and proudest achievement in our lives is. One mother is here to get us back in check and tell us what this big thing that we call life, all about is.  …

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