
Celebrities Who Destroyed Their Reputations In Minutes

In 2019, you truly can’t pull off being a controversial individual. The web will get you out and cuss you until you profoundly lament posting that selfie that uncovered your staggering feeling of obliviousness or benefit. That is to say, Instagram “influencers” surprisingly ought to comprehend the significance of being …

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Owner sings a lullaby to his dog

Let’s talk a bit about lullabies. People have always sung something to their children, who couldn’t fall asleep. Even if we didn’t experience a good lullaby, we have surly have seen one in a movie of TV series. This story doesn’t regard a baby or toddler getting serenaded before falling …

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5-year-old hospitalized after horrible coronavirus symptoms

From numerous cases around the world, we now know that not only the elderly people can get coronavirus. Recently a young mother has posted on her social media that her 5-year-old son has contracted the virus. Even though he doesn’t have any underlying conditions, Alfie’s condition has been going down …

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Uk people panic-buying food then throwing it away.

Coronavirus got everybody running around scared. People are rushing on the market buying everything they can. Most of the countries have declared the emergency state. As the number of people infected has surpassed half of 1 million and with the death toll rising, people are taking rushed decisions. A similar …

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Theme park ride you can experience from home

Since self-isolation and quarantine became a worldwide obligation, people have been spending their days stuck at home. Alone, with family or with friends, staying at home can be entertaining for a while, but it has been a few weeks now, and people are starting to get bored. Even though there …

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Great ideas to reuse dad’s shirts đŸ˜±đŸ˜đŸ‘Œ

These are great ideas. I see many posts of people using their dads or grandpa‘s shirts to make teddy bears or quilts so they can remember them by having something of dad or grandpa or brother. The shirts look like they are in pretty good shape.. what happened to dad’s …

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Supermarket in Denmark stops people from hoarding products

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, people on the internet are making memes, trying to make people laugh in these hard times. Memes about people hoarding toilet paper have been increasing every day. And while the world is laughing at them, shortages of some products are becoming a real issue. …

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NYC Mayor: People will die if Trump doesn’t handle this pandemic

Desperate times need desperate measures. And if they are not fulfilled tragedy strikes. In the case of this deadly coronavirus pandemic, countries are living under stricter laws. Europe and America are the next “victims” of the COVID-19.  Italy has gone through a total lockdown and has banned almost every social …

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Teaching kids to draw online

With the outbreak of the coronavirus and the measures that governments have set for people, more than 300 million children all over the world are stuck at home and can’t go to school. Every parent right now faces the task of keeping their children occupied with fun games and activities. …

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Learning to be grateful

The fast-paced life we live today with our work schedule, our responsibilities, and making sure we are engaged in our society, can sometimes distance us from the real joys in life and the things that we genuinely need to be grateful for. Just take a look at the Zen Buddhists, …

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