Quick-Thinking 11-Year-Old Boy Helps Foil Girl’s Kidnapping

Small boy. Super big hero! He is only 11 years old, but TJ Smith, from Texas, helped save the life of a 7-year-old girl.
TJ told authorities that he saw the alleged kidnapper named Raeshawn Perez try to grab the girl while she was playing outside.

The incident happened on December 10 in Wichita Falls.

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Image Credit: N/A

Perez, 26, saw the girl riding her scooter and just picked her up, according to TJ. TJ followed the man.

It didn’t take TJ long to realize that the man was a stranger to the little girl and that she could be in serious trouble.

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Image Credit: N/A

TJ ran and got his mom, Angela Smith, and neighbor James Ware.

TJ showed Ware the abandoned house the man had taken the girl to – when Ware got there, Perez was trying to push the girl through a window.

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Image Credit: KAUZ

Ware and another man were able to get Perez on the ground, and they waited for the police.

Perez did admit that he was going to rape the little girl.

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Image Credit: KAUZ

Mayor of Wichita Falls, Stephen Santellana sent a text out saying that he wanted to thank all the people involved in saving the girl.

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Image Credit: KAUZ

TJ and the others were called Good Samaritans for acting so quickly.

TJ got a certificate of appreciation from the Mayor and the Police Chief, Manuel Borrego.

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Image Credit: N/A

Borrego told reporters that the city does want citizens to help them prevent crime.

He said they all have to look out for each other and be good to one another for the community to be safe.

child super hero
Image Credit: N/A

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