30 Funniest Fashion Fails People Have Ever Seen

The fashion industry is constantly changing designs, where attempts can often result in ultimate disasters. 

These can range from wrongly placed text which sends mixed messages, to ugly patterns that look like bruises. 

Scroll down to take a look at these ridiculous designs that will make you laugh.

#1 Born Skater

#2 Hoods Up!

#3 Position Of Pearls

#4 Always Remember To Read The Front First.

#5 Did She Ruin Her Dress?

#6 Appropriate Attire For An Interview With South Africa’s President

#7 One Too Many Knuckles?

#8 When You Leave Out A Letter.

#9 Anti Slip Shoes.

#10 Thats A Strange Wrestling Patch.

#11  Dress “Design” Gone Wrong

#12 Buy What?

#13 Not The Best Look From Behind.

#14 Yikes!!

#15 Not My Type Of Adventure.

#16 Are Those Her Legs Or Tights?

#17 These Might Not Resemble Saggy Ears?

#18 Not What It Says On The Packet.

#19 Take Me To The Candy Shop…

#20 A What?

#21 Okay Then…..

#22 Wrong Place?

#23 Dodgy Design!

#24 Hmmmmmm??

#25 On Point With The Logo.

#26 Maybe They Never Intended It To Turn Out Like This?

#27 Perfectly Placed Patterns

#28 Wonder Why They Are On Sale

#29 Christmas Crakcer.

#30 Discoloured Or Logo?

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